Andy Extance and Alex O’Brien will remain on the ABSW board as chair and vice-chair, as will Katharine Sanderson as a general board member. Mun Keat Looi will join the board as a general board member. ABSW members gathered at the Francis Crick Institute for the Annual General Meeting this Tuesday, April 16, at 18:30.
The nominations for the four posts were open until March 10. Because there was only one nominee per post, the posts were not contested and the AGM approved the nominations received. As Board members serve two-year terms, not all posts were open to election this year.
Andy Extance as former (and new) chair of ABSW thanked Angela Saini, now leaving, for her dedication as a board member and also thanked the co-opted members Bob Ward, Ehsan Masood, Andy Ridgway and Scout Barker for the time devoted to the board. The next board meeting will choose the new co-opted board members, with a one-year mandate.
Roger Highfield, ABSW Honorary President, welcomed the 40 members in the room and gave the floor to Andy Extance who presented the ABSW accomplishments and decisions taken during the year 2023. JV Chamary, the Treasurer serving for another year, presented ABSW's financial details. The AGM approved both reports.

Members at the AGM had the chance to discuss ABSW-pertaining issues like the auditors' report or the obstacles some science reporters may face when trying to get difficult topics commissioned.
The AGM took place both in person and online. After the meeting, members could meet the editors in the room and network with former and new fellows.
“It was very important for me to attend the AGM because by putting myself out of my comfort zone, I was able to pick the brains of science writers at varying stages of their careers. From freelancers who were my age to senior editors, everyone was happy to talk to me and make me feel included in an industry to which I am very new”, said Joe Macdonald, one of the most recent ABSW members. “Going to the AGM has certainly broken down a barrier for me, and now that I understand more about the society and its members, I feel as if I am significantly more comfortable going to any future events with the ABSW.”