Dr Stijn van Ewijk, Lecturer in Environmental Engineering at the Department for Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), UCL placed at The Times and supported by UCL Engineering.

Dr Charlotte Maughan Jones, Research Fellow in the AXIm group within the department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, UCL placed at The Londonist and supported by UCL Engineering.

Dr Maria Perez-Ortiz, Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and the Artificial Intelligence Centre, UCL placed at Wired UK and supported by UCL Engineering.

Dr Sarah Pitt, Principal Lecturer, School of Applied Sciences & Centre for Stress and Age-Related Disease, University of Brighton placed with the BBC Science Unit and supported by the Institute of Biomedical Science.

Dr Leonie Maria Tanczer, Lecturer in International Security and Emerging Technologies, UCL placed at the Economist and supported by UCL Engineering.
The ABSW Media Fellowships provide a unique opportunity for practising scientists, clinicians, and engineers to spend two to six weeks working at the heart of a media. They give scientists the confidence to engage with the media, tackle mistrust and misrepresentation, bridge the gap between journalists and scientists, and build understating between science and society. The British Science Association (BSA) ran the scheme from 1987 – 2020, with the ABSW taking stewardship of the scheme in 2022.
Read more about the UCL Engineering Media Fellows
Read more about the Institute of Biomedical Science Fellow
The class of 2022 have received an intensive day’s training and will now take up their placements at various points in August, September and October. Watch out for updates on their output and bylines on Twitter @absw
Are you an academic institution or professional body that would you like to support a Media Fellow in our next round of Fellowships, or a media outlet that would like to host a Media Fellow? Find out more by downloading our brochure (below) and then get in touch to have a chat about the possibilities [email protected] 07733 330344.
Thanks are due to UCL Engineering for supporting the UCL Fellows and to the Institute of Biomedical Science for supporting the University of Brighton Fellow. Also to The Times, The Londonist, Wired UK, the BBC Science Unit, and The Economist for hosting the 2023 Media Fellows.