The first ever ABSW Media Fellows have proved themselves more than capable as science journalists. The Fellows placed at The Economist, The Times, Londonist and WIRED UK, have contributed to podcasts, and written both features and news on subjects ranging from the rise and fall of Ashford Station to scientists 'hacking' insects sex hormones.
The Media Fellowships scheme, formerly run by the British Science Association, provides a unique opportunity for practising scientists, clinicians, and engineers to spend two to six weeks working at the heart of a media outlet. Through complete immersion in the media, Fellows gain a thorough understanding of the demands of science journalism and can take this knowledge back to their institution to share with colleagues.
Click on the panels below to find out more about each Fellow and to read their output.
The ABSW ran the Media Fellowships scheme as a pilot in 2022 to ensure it fit with its aims and other programmes of work. The scheme proved a great success, mostly due to the commitment of ABSW members who offered their time and skills as media hosts. In 2023 the ABSW will continue to run the scheme with the aim of placing twice as many Fellows in media outlets.
If you are interested in hosting a Media Fellow in 2023, or in funding a practising scientist, clinician or engineer to undertake the scheme, get in touch.
You can find out all about the scheme in our Major Programme pages.
Executive Secretary, ABSW

Charlotte Maughan Jones, EPSRC Post doctoral research fellow, Advanced X-ray Imaging Group (AXIm), Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London (UCL) based at The Londonist with Matt Brown, Editor at Large
Brixton Village Is Becoming A Roller Disco For One Night Only
This Disused Northern Line Platform Has Been Transformed Into A Garden
London's Got An Unlimited Negroni Fountain, And This Is Not A Drill
This Dazzling Flotilla Is Sailing Down The Thames This Week
Weekend Break: Things To Do In Newcastle
The Rise And Fall Of Ashford International Station
11 Places To Watch 'Off West End' Theatre In London
Why You Should Go To... Folkestone
Could A Pint Of Beer In London Soon Cost £14?
Here's Where Jet Set Pets Go After Landing At Heathrow
Inside One Of The UK's Life-Saving Milk Banks
The Building Where London Is Road Tested
Charlotte is likely to continue to write for The Londonist on a freelance basis and has already held an online webinar to disseminate knowledge gained from her Fellowship to colleagues.
This Fellowship was funded by UCL Engineering

Maria Perez Ortiz Lecturer, AI Centre, UCL Computer Science, Deputy Director MSc AI for Sustainable Development based at WIRED UK with Rob Reddick, Science Editor
Teaching ‘Selfish’ Wind Turbines to Share Can Boost Productivity
To Ditch Pesticides, Scientists Are Hacking Insects’ Sex Signals
This Fellowship was funded by UCL Engineering.

Leonie Tanczer, Associate Professor in International Security and Emerging Technologies, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow (#UKRIFLF), Computer Science Department, University College London based at Babbage podcast, The Economist with Hannah Marinho and colleagues
How psychedelics could fix the brain
How science can save the world
How to use the pandemic to tackle TB
Will Ethereum’s merge transform crypto?
What if generative AI destroys biometric security?
This Fellowship was funded by UCL Engineering

Stijn Van Ewijk, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Environmental Engineering, University College London (UCL), based at The Times with Tom Whipple, Science Editor
Drastic ways to fight climate change, from volcanoes to millions of mirrors
Does it really make sense to eat dairy but not beef?
Looking for a job? Keep your friends of friends close
Archaeologists uncover a 31,000-year-old amputee
This Fellowship was funded by UCL Engineering

Sarah Pitt, Principal Lecturer, School of Applied Sciences, Centre for Stress and Age-Related Disease, University of Brighton based at BBC Future with Richard Gray, Editor.
Sarah Pitt will undertake her placement in January/February 2023
This Fellowship was funded by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences