Early career science journalist training opportunity at the Royal Society

10th October 2023, 10:00 - 16:00, Royal Society, London

Just starting your career in science journalism?

Science Communication Unit (SCU), UWE is offering a 1-day workshop for science writers and journalists with fewer than 5 years’ experience. 

Application deadline is 29 September 2023.

The ABSW will launch its new Early Career Science Writer Network at this event on 10th October.

The free workshop will help you develop your science journalism skills and increase your awareness of the skills sought by editors. The insights will be drawn from a British Council India funded research project exploring how science journalism is transforming, in terms of journalists’ working practices and the skills they need. It will also be informed by other SCU research. Topics to be covered include:

  • exploring the roles of science journalists;
  • credibility and quality issues for journalists;
  • key skills for science journalism;
  • expanding voices – novel stories, increasing diversity in your writing.

As well as providing insights from UWE's research, they would also like to hear about your experiences and perspectives as part of their research.

Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.

Places are limited to 20 participants. To apply for a place, please email jane.wooster@uwe.ac.uk outlining your experience in science journalism or science writing and why you would like to attend this workshop. 

Travel bursaries

UWE has a limited number of travel bursaries available. To apply for a travel bursary, please provide a short description of why you would like to attend this workshop and include an estimate of your travel costs (e.g. train or bus), not including accommodation costs. Please send your email to: jane.wooster@uwe.ac.uk

Who is eligible? 

Science journalists with fewer than 5 years’ (more specifically 60 months’) experience of professional science journalism. This experience may entail working as a member of staff for a media organisation, or other organisation that publishes material in a journalistic style. The experience may also entail working as a paid freelance journalist.

For questions on the programme or eligibility for the travel bursaries, please contact emma.weitkamp@uwe.ac.uk

The Association of British Science Writers is registered in England and Wales under company number 07376343 at 76 Glebe Lane, Barming, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9BD.
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