The ABSW is seeking partners for the Science & Technology Journalism Summer School.  This is an excellent opportunity for organisations to contribute to the development of, and build relationships with, the next generation of science & technology journalists and broadcasters. Through sponsorship and the opportunities provided, supporters of the Summer School will be able to:

  • Network with the next generation of science journalists
  • Contribute to the skills and development of the next generation of
    science journalists
  • Gain exposure for your organisation, its work and its services for
    journalists both before during and after the event, including pre-event
  • Forge new contacts with future science journalists – a long-term
    investment in corporate communications and scientific outreach
  • Understand and respond to the needs of the next generation of science

Contact Sallie Robins, Executive Secretary, ABSW to find out more.

[email protected] 07733 330344

The Association of British Science Writers is registered in England and Wales under company number 07376343 at 76 Glebe Lane, Barming, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9BD.
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