Picture: Kate Barker, literary agent, is standing during her presentation. On her right, there's Mun Keat Looi, editor at BMJ and moderator of the session, Alex O'Brien and Eva Amsen, authors - © Mark Lewis Photography
The pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing were discussed at the UK Conference of Science Journalists (UKCSJ24), on October 15, 2024. The session featured two experienced writers and a publishing professional: Alex O'Brien, author of "The Truth Detective: Lessons from Poker on Risk, Reward and Imperfect Information" and Vice-Chair of the ABSW; Eva Amsen, author of self-published "Hey, There's Science In This" and "Biology: 100 Ideas in 100 Words"; and Kate Barker, founder of the Kate Barker Literary Agency.
Each speaker shared their expertise and practical tips, offering participants a well-rounded perspective on navigating the publishing landscape. While self-publishing offers creative control and potentially higher royalties, traditional publishing offers access to established distribution channels, professional support and marketing expertise – without you having to do much yourself. Choosing the right route depends on your goals and resources, and how involved you want to be in the process.
The infographic below helps you navigate both routes, weigh up your options and approach the publishing process with confidence.